Created by Reign of Drakyn Reign Studios (Jace Guyer on Coursera)

This is my solar system project! In addition to the objects we added during the tutorial, I have added the following elements:

  1. New sun texture to be more realistic
  2. New comet texture to differentiate from Pluto
  3. Halo light properties on atmospheric inner planets and gas giants (i.e. not Mercury or Pluto)
  4. The following planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
  5. Added a GameObject to act as Saturn's rings
  6. Changed the color to the comets and added a halo glow to create a more cohesive look
  7. Adjusted the cameras to catch the whole scene
  8. Increased the size of the sun for better scale reference
  9. Adjusted all orbit and rotations to be more indicative of their actual properties within the solar system.

Currently supported loadouts of this project included are:

  1. Windows exe
  2. WebGL browser

Unfortunately, 2020.3.x LTS does not include the option for adding extra build modules (specifically MacOS for me) after the fact even right clicking on the gears. 

I hope you enjoy! 


- Wikipedia sourced additional textures


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