Created by Reign of Drakyn Reign Studios (Jace Guyer on Coursera)

This is my 3D Shooter project!

Changes I made or added are:

  1. Created 3 new unique levels.
  2. New Color Scheme and Fonts (courtesy of
  3. New main menu, level, and boss battle music (courtesy of Incomputech)
  4. Added Environmental Lighting and Fog to create a limited field of view to create a horror or suspense feeling.
  5. Created a flashlight for the player and adjusted height to make them feel adult height in the spaces provided.
  6. Modded prefab lights to actually be used as functionable light (or in my case, guideposts).
  7. Adjusted the skins for the boss, walls, and buildings, as well as built halls by hand.
  8. Adjusted each mini boss or boss to be harder than the last, including more hps and quicker movement and attack speed.

Currently supported loadouts of this project included are:

  1. Windows exe
  2. MacOS app
  3. WebGL browser   

I hope you enjoy!  


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